Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dropping the MAIT program

I recently found out that one does not need to acquire their masters degree first in order to start their PhD. Upon looking into multiple different Universities, I came to the University of Maryland. I saw that it said, plan to earn a PhD in Communications with a B.A. in Communications.....needless to say, I was surprised. I looked into a few more Universities and got some more info from one of my former Professors. After this semester I will be dropping the MAIT program to apply for five different Universities that have a PhD program. I am very excited to have found this out but am also said to have started something only to find out this piece of information. You live and you learn though. I will still be giving this semester my all, as I always do. I am enjoying the projects we are creating in each of my classes. Just last night someone showcased a website called Quizlet. This web 2.0 tool is a way to create flash cards online. You can play a few games in order to better attain the knowledge of the flashcards you have created. There are pre-exisiting flashcards that other people have made. Soon I will need to take my GREs. I am able to go onto this tool and search for ones that people have already made to study them. This will be a great tool at my disposal!


  1. Wow Shane, your post blows my mind. I also didn't know that you didn't need a Masters degree in order to earn a PhD. I'm thinking that the classes that you took this semester should definitely help you with your endeavor even though they may not transfer. Congratulations to you and best of luck!

  2. Congrats on making the decision that will benefit you in the long run! Good luck on the GREs...hope quizlet helps you out a lot ;-)

  3. I echo Corstina's sentiment with the WOW comment and not knowing you could eliminate achieving your Master's on your pursuit of a Doctorate. What is your ultimate goal? Wishing you all the success and determination to you on your journey!

  4. Sorry to see you will be leaving but congrats on pursuing this route! Glad to hear you will be sticking the rest of the semester out and I agree with Corstina, what you have/will learn in the MAIT classes should be useful somewhere down the road.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Shane, I thought about the same thing and to each their own, you have to find your own way. If I knew half the stuff I do now, I would have done so much differently but it wouldn't make me who I am now. I hope you have a great ride and good luck in all you do.
