Saturday, October 25, 2014


This week in Adult Learning, we presented our andragogical map for self-concept. This particular attribute really meant a lot to me in many ways. I recently decided to stop the MAIT program so I can begin my journey to aqcuire my PhD in either Politics in Communication or Political Science. I am self-motivated to become the best person that I can be. Determination is something that I have always had throughout my life; from Tae Kwon Do to playing the guitar in a band to school. I don't mind the long journey ahead of me, because I know that this is what I truly want to accomplish. This realization took a little while, but when I discovered what I truly wanted to do I knew that this would be my future. The cost of war is a great website that gives an insight into the type of devastation that occurs when war ensues. I bring up this website because, foreign politics as well as national, are what inspire me to keep learning more and more each day
On a lighter note......we reached the half-way freeze!!! I'm pretty confident that in the next week or two, I'll be finished all my work for Instructional Technology in the 21st Century! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Half-Way Freeze!

The half-way freeze is almost upon us! With October 22nd marking the date of the half-way freeze, I am ahead of my mark. I have completed three wildcards as well as the group IT mapping project. Though these projects definitely take a lot of time to accomplish, they weren't as bad as I thought. The Sound of Music is a survey I created using Survey Monkey. This is definitely a good site, but the only downfall is that after ten questions you have to start paying for it. This limited the amount of questions I wanted to ask everyone. I decided to pick the ones I thought were the best and send everyone my survey to complete. I also created a powerpoint for Tattoos around the world and a socrative quiz to go along with it. The last project I created was a trivia game on edcreate. My trivia game was on the Church of Satan. I am not a Satanist by any means, I just enjoy learning about all religions; seeing what each culture believes and how they worship is a very interesting subject to me. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Presenting the IT History Project

My group member and I just recently presented our IT History project on the history of distance education. I really enjoyed researching this project to see how far distance education actually went back. It's crazy to think that in 1782, Caleb Phillips, "advertised teaching of a new form of short hand through lessons that were mailed weekly." When most people think of distance education, they don't think all the way back to this first account; but rather to how distance education is right now. To think that distance education started so long ago is somewhat unfathomable. This project really opened my eyes to how far we have come. Technology is becoming greater with each passing day. What is in-store for the future of technology?


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dropping the MAIT program

I recently found out that one does not need to acquire their masters degree first in order to start their PhD. Upon looking into multiple different Universities, I came to the University of Maryland. I saw that it said, plan to earn a PhD in Communications with a B.A. in Communications.....needless to say, I was surprised. I looked into a few more Universities and got some more info from one of my former Professors. After this semester I will be dropping the MAIT program to apply for five different Universities that have a PhD program. I am very excited to have found this out but am also said to have started something only to find out this piece of information. You live and you learn though. I will still be giving this semester my all, as I always do. I am enjoying the projects we are creating in each of my classes. Just last night someone showcased a website called Quizlet. This web 2.0 tool is a way to create flash cards online. You can play a few games in order to better attain the knowledge of the flashcards you have created. There are pre-exisiting flashcards that other people have made. Soon I will need to take my GREs. I am able to go onto this tool and search for ones that people have already made to study them. This will be a great tool at my disposal!