Friday, September 12, 2014

Dropping IDD

Coming into my first graduate semester I didn't really anticipate the workload to be any different than when I used to take five classes each semester during undergrad. I figured if I only took three classes that it would be fine.....I was wrong! Even though I was warned already about taking three classes, I didn't listen. It's hard to explain to someone until they actually experience it for themselves the amount of work that is required for graduate classes. After my Adult Learning class on Monday, I tried to figure out a way for me to be able to take on three classes. I tried and tried...and tried some more, but to no avail. Last night at my Tae Kwon Do class, I was explaining to one of my friends in the class (who is a Stockton professor) about having to drop a class. She told me that it truly is hard to explain how different graduate is from undergrad; especially to someone who hasn't experienced it yet. I'm very happy with my decision of dropping Instructional Design and Development. I wish there was a way for me to do three classes and still maintain my sanity, but that would not happen. Next time I will heed the warnings of my Professors.


  1. Sure it was a tough decision Shane but at least you gave it a shot! It's true what you say, sometimes you just have to find out for yourself.

  2. Shane you're absolutely right that the best way to understand what others are saying is to experience it! You just have to remember you made the right decision for yourself and you'll get to IDD another semester!

  3. I think you made a wise choice Shane. IDD is a labor intensive course but critical in our field of study. You know that now and will be prepared for it when you take it in the future.

  4. I know it's disappointing now, but I think when you look back on it you'll be glad you waited to take IDD. The projects you work on in the other classes will give you the background and experience to get more out of IDD later on.

  5. I don't think you should be so disappointed, and I hope you aren't too hard on yourself. I too had to drop one of my 3 graduate classes for the same reason. I was taking the same three as you and thought it best to stick with the two core classes and drop adult learning. Although now I know you should only do one core class at a time, I decided to drop Adult learning instead because it was at a much further location for me than Stockton already is and I commute all day over the state already. You live and learn, but I am very happy that I took everyone's advice and am only taking on two graduate courses at this time. You are right, graduate is very different than undergrad work and I always had 5 classes at a time. I work full time at a demanding job, have kids at home, and have to keep my sanity lol. I am finding myself spending an average of 4 hours a day above class time on my course work Sunday through Thursday. I am hoping that I fall into the grove shortly and get to continue to enjoy my weekend. Good luck Shane I am sure you will do great!
