Monday, September 22, 2014

Not as Bad as I Thought!

Coming into the third week of my first Graduate semester, it doesn't seem so bad anymore! While I still have a ways to go with this semester, the workload seems a lot more manageable now that I'm getting back into the swing of things. I've already started a few of my projects, so I am a little bit ahead right now. I truly am enjoying this semester so far! This just makes me more excited to continue my studies and reach my goal of earning my PhD and becoming a professor! Seeing as how I've just talked about my classes in the past two blogs, I figured I'd give a little bit more on who I am. This past weekend my best friend had an amateur fight for MMA at the Taj in Atlantic City. While I don't do MMA, I have done Tae Kwon Do since I was three years old. I am a fourth degree black belt master and have achieved a lot throughout my life in Tae Kwon Do. I haven't competed in about five years, which is sad to me. I have been state champion, national champion, and junior Olympic champion multiple times in my life. Seeing my friend fight really just made me want to train more so I can compete in this upcoming year. I was worried about having so much work that I wouldn't be able to train, but as each passing day gets easier I can tell that I'll have plenty of time to train. For those that don't know. this is Tae Kwon Do sparring and what I compete in. In the coming blogs I'll not only talk about my semester, but add a little bit about myself each time.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Dropping IDD

Coming into my first graduate semester I didn't really anticipate the workload to be any different than when I used to take five classes each semester during undergrad. I figured if I only took three classes that it would be fine.....I was wrong! Even though I was warned already about taking three classes, I didn't listen. It's hard to explain to someone until they actually experience it for themselves the amount of work that is required for graduate classes. After my Adult Learning class on Monday, I tried to figure out a way for me to be able to take on three classes. I tried and tried...and tried some more, but to no avail. Last night at my Tae Kwon Do class, I was explaining to one of my friends in the class (who is a Stockton professor) about having to drop a class. She told me that it truly is hard to explain how different graduate is from undergrad; especially to someone who hasn't experienced it yet. I'm very happy with my decision of dropping Instructional Design and Development. I wish there was a way for me to do three classes and still maintain my sanity, but that would not happen. Next time I will heed the warnings of my Professors.

Friday, September 5, 2014

My First Class as a Graduate Student

I have a long way to go but I'm excited for the journey ahead. My first class was great, minus the technical difficulties on two computers! Not really knowing what was going to come of my first class, I was thoroughly excited to see what we're going to be learning. I want to one day become a professor and my class Instructional Technology in the 21st Century Classroom is going to shed some light on the way I can use technology to create a great learning environment. I'm excited to see what's in store for the rest of the semester!